Saturday, March 5, 2016

Why good people fall sick?

Once upon a time, in a world not far from that of the humans, there were tiny creatures. These creatures took pride in their obedience to their Creator. If they were told to migrate, they would start the migration immediately, alone or in groups. If they were ordered to die, they wouldn’t hesitate a second. If they were commanded to form families and communities, they wouldn’t complain about who is in their company, and they would reproduce abundantly.

As a reward for their unconditional obedience, they were given homes virtually everywhere on the planet. Waters and winds of the earth were given to their service. Even the sun would serve them as a cook. Despite all of these great means, they had a trouble that they couldn’t solve.
Whenever the evil-doers were to be punished, the charge was given to them. So, in a sense, their life was like a vacation filled in with visits to evil-doers. At first, this task was acceptable, and was a means of honor. But later, as they witnessed all those good-doers, they wanted to visit them, too. If these tiny creatures visited the good-doers, even if, only once in their lives, they would rejoice unboundedly, and they could still continue doing their regular job in the remaining time. But this was not granted to them.

The tiny creatures discussed the situation among themselves, and one of them said: “we must keep praying. If we want this so bad, and if we need it really, then we have to stay firm on our prayers. Our Lord is merciful. Eventually He is going to answer us. If we are not getting it now, that is because, perhaps, the time hasn’t come yet.” With this advice, the tiny creatures with their countless members committed themselves to praying for a life time opportunity of meeting a good-doer.

One day, as the tiny creatures were watching one of those good-doers in envy and admiration, they saw an evil-doer approaching. Although the tiny creatures did not understand what happened, some violent event took place between them. The good-doer was the winner, which gave a comfort to the tiny creatures. But the evil-doer was crying, and murmuring things they did not grasp well. They did not know what to feel. An evil-doer crying was not a common occurrence.

As they were in this bewilderment, they received orders they had been praying for. They were ordered to visit the good-doer. They did not know how to express their gratitude for this opportunity. They embarked their vehicles, the water and air, of course, and they just found themselves flocking towards to good-doer. Before they knew it, they were all together: the tiny creatures and the good-doer.

Everybody was happy beyond description, but one person, the good-doer. The good-doer was not smiling for their arrival, and was not chanting for their friendship. Something was wrong, but the tiny creatures did not want to bother their host, so they kept celebrating their union. Nevertheless, this did not continue for so long, because the good-doer was becoming more and more fragile as the creatures’ celebration continued. So the celebrations ceased, and the tiny creatures started to feel embarrassed. Perhaps, they should not have come to this place. Still, they had to stay until they were given the permission to leave.

As they were waiting in agony, they realized that the good-doer had gone to the house of the evil-doer. Again some talk took place between them, but without violence. In the end, they both smiled and hugged each other. Seeing this moment of joy, the tiny creatures smiled all together hugged each other. And that’s when they received the orders for departure…

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