Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Solar Energy

Nowadays, many people talk about the environmental issues caused by the use of fossil fuels, and position themselves in favor of the renewable energy technologies. Solar power is a prime technology in this sense. When I say solar power, specifically solar electric power is what I mean. However, if you dig deeper, other forms of renewable energies are solar energy, too. Take wind energy for example. Without the heating of the atmosphere due to the light from the sun, there would be no winds, hence no wind power. Geothermal? Well, geothermal energy is the “once upon a time” version of solar energy. It is like our family album to remind the old days when we are one with the sun as a family. If you are still not impressed by the omnipresence of solar power, now, prepare yourself for a secret.

All of these forms of energy, renewable or fossil, can be traced to sun somehow, but this entire story is actually a veil to hide another form of solar energy that is exclusively used by a secret group of people. As everybody else is busy dealing with harvesting and consuming other forms of energy, these people, away from all attention, store this unknown power and use it in their daily lives. They don’t have unions as other civic organizations have. They don’t get together even for once in their lives. But, they all live and work for a common goal, and this is what makes them secret and a group at the same time. Do you wonder who they are and what energy I am talking about?

Well, it actually started with the humanities quest for making sense of their presence in this life. At first, this energy was more available and, so, more people were affected by it, but unconsciously. With the emergence of complex cultural and intellectual heritage from generation to generation, people known as scholars or artists deliberately used it, although other people who were neither of those were still affected by that energy according to their involvement with love. It doesn’t make sense, right? Being in love or being a scholar or artist, and utilizing a form of solar energy! But wait. All of these are the behavioral structure to expose yourself to that energy. How?

Look at the etymology of “solar energy”, and hidden is there the secret to this unknown form of energy. The word solar means, in the appearance, something coming or originating from the sun. however, there is another way to look at it: sole-ar energy. Since you cannot have two vowels, the e at the end of sole drops, and you have solar energy; an energy that you only receive if you are alone with the sun. That is, if you are in love or want to contemplate or get inspiration, and if distance yourself from people to watch the sunrise or the sunset, that is when you receive this kind of solar energy. Not everybody is aware of this, and even if they happen to learn about it, they shun it. That implies that this energy is not intended for everyone; only an exclusive group of people can taste from it.

This precious energy is first digested by those who receive it, just like the plants absorb the light and heat from the sun. Then, by time, these people grow and come to fruition, again just like the plants. That is when this secret energy is shared with everybody, but in a hidden form, and that is the basis of the goal of these people. They want to awake everybody to the existence of “sole-ar energy”, since most people are sleeping in a life-long night. A night formed by the growing crowds just like thick clouds before the sun.

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