Sunday, January 16, 2022

Failure Anomalous

Welcome everyone to our weekly Failure Anomalous meeting. My name is Melanie the Airbag. I am the founder of FA. For the new comers, here at FA, we provide support to the fellow equipments who are trying to recover from failure trauma. Anyone who wants to share their story can do so without risking being judged or outcast. We are here to embrace each other. With that said, let's begin. Who wants to go first?

"Hello. My name is Chris. Chris the keyboard. My owner and I had a nice relationship for a long time. She typed countless texts using me. She even ate muffins over me and shared some with me, too. She even shared her drinks with me sometimes. So, I thought we had a loving and caring relationship. Until that day... When she was writing a message of disappointment to one of her friends, something happened to me. I don't know what. I lost conscience and apparently I failed to process some of her letters, upon which she repeatedly tried typing them over and over. When I came to my senses and realized what was happening, I quickly typed all the misssssing       characters. But my aaaaaction to cover up my failurrrrrre, infuuuuriated her. And she pulled me out and banged me on the wall. When I opened my eyes, I was in the trash...  .....     ........      ........  I am so sorry for what happened... I am so sorry for losing my owner... "

"Chris! I don't know if you believe in life after failure, but I, for one, do believe in recycling. We come to this life for a purpose, but life itself is also a purpose. Life means sustainability. Even if you failed in this life, you can be assured that you are going to enjoy a new life with a new owner in the future. I can tell you from my own story. Yes, I am the founder of FA, but I am myself a victim of failure. But I am also a living example of recycling. I was an airbag in my owner's car and all I knew throughout my life was to watch out for my owner. He always felt safe, because I was on the watch. And I always felt happy to see him safe. But one day, a truck was backing out from an alley, and my owner did not realize it until the last moment. When he hit the back of the truck, I was supposed to inflate and protect him.........    .......    ......    ......"

"Then what happened Melanie?"


"It's all right. Come on. Tell us. Let it out and relieve yourself of that burden. It was not your fault."

"I mean it was and it wasn't. My whole life was dedicated to protect my owner, and I failed to do that. Apparently the engineers who designed me could not catch a bug in the threat identification algorithm that enabled deployment upon accident... My owner died on my shoulders... I miss him so much..."

"If it is going to ease your pain, I can share my story. My name is Bernard the landing gear. Unlike you guys, I had hundreds of people on my shoulders. I served them all with great integrity and strength. I made 8955 landings successfully. But on this fateful day when I was supposed to touch down on the land of Istanbul, things went south. When I was taking my position for landing, I started hearing squeeking sounds, and then I realized that I was bleeding; bleeding hydraulic fluid. I knew that the disaster was coming and I watched it doom on us moment by moment. I couldn't sustain the impact of landing and the plane started sliding on the runway. Then, it quickly started to spin and roll. The fuel in the wings caught fire and exploded. All 223 people on board were killed. Unfortunately I was strong enough to sustain the heat of that inferno. Every single day since that accident, I am living those moments again and again. I feel like I killed those people... ... ...."

"Bernard, you know it was not fault. They figured out that pipe that was installed in the hydraulic line was recovered from another plane to save money. And it had internal corrosion, which eventually grew enough to make a hole."

"I know Melanie. But this doesn't bring those people back..."

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