Thursday, January 12, 2017

Before the Big Bang

Once upon a time, according to this legend, God created the spirits of the humans first, before creating the universe. Then, He showed them each excerpts from their lives, like the trailer of a movie. After watching, humans opposed what was going to happen, and said "Oh God! Why are You creating us different? Some of us are rich, some of us are poor. We want equality, we want justice." Then, God accepted their appeal, and reorganized the creation so that every human had equal wealth at birth.

With this change, of course the life stories changed, and God showed humans again excerpts from their life stories, like the trailer of a movie. Strangely, although the humans had started their lives with equal wealth, not only their wealth but also other conditions differed as they lived through their lives. Upon thinking, humans figured that this must have been due to different talents and skills each had. With that finding, they opposed again what was going to happen, and said "Oh God! Why are You creating us different? Some of us are more talented than others. We want equality, we want justice." Then, God accepted their appeal, and reorganized the creation so that every human had not only equal wealth at birth but also equal talents and skills.

With this change, of course the life stories changed, and God showed humans again excerpts from their life stories, like the trailer of a movie. Strangely, although the humans had started their lives with equal wealth and with equal talents and skills, their wealth and other conditions differed as they lived through their lives. Upon thinking, humans figured that this must have been due to different geographic conditions both on and under ground. With that finding, they opposed again what was going to happen, and said "Oh God! Why are You creating us different? Some of us are born into better natural resources than others. We want equality, we want justice." Then, God accepted their appeal, and reorganized the creation so that every human had not only equal wealth and equal talents and skills but also were born into identical geographical conditions.

With this change, of course the life stories changed, and God showed humans again excerpts from their life stories, like the trailer of a movie. The earth had become a perfect sphere, with uniform properties everywhere. Strangely, although humans lived through identical stories with their identical wealth and talents and geographic conditions, each had a different emotional satisfaction from their experiences. Upon thinking, humans figured that this must have been due to different characters they had. With that finding, they opposed again what was going to happen, and said "Oh God! Why are You creating us different? Some of us are happier than others. We want equality, we want justice." Then God accepted their appeal, and reorganized the creation so that every human had not only equal wealth and equal talents and equal natural resources but also identical emotional state.

With this change, of course the life stories changed, and God showed humans again excerpts from their life stories, like the trailer of a movie. Humans could not understand anything from what they saw, because there was no change at all in anything. Since they all had the same mood, they unanimously shouted "we are bored. Oh God, did You create us so that we get depressed? We want change."

And came the big bang!

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