Friday, January 13, 2017

What i Can See

The grandfather -1 was very happy for the birth of his grandson. Actually it was not only him but also the entire numbers kingdom. This number was the last number expected to come in the lineage of numbers to complete and seal all of the sets and operations. They knew this from the signs foretold in the previous books of wisdom.

Holding the grandson in his arms, the grandfather -1 fell into a silence, which veiled a mental journey to his painful beginning in life. When he was born, he was not accepted by the numbers on the grounds that every number should be useful for counting things, and "-1 of something" did not make sense in this regard. To persist on their nonchalance, the numbers even resisted the establishment of certain operations such as 5-7, since they led to uncountable results. Actually, such operations and the resultant numbers were going to be the children of -1, but other numbers did not know that at the time. More precisely, they did not want to know. It had taken them years to accept -1 to their kingdom.

When -1 was officially admitted and counted as a legitimate number, numbers kingdom grew to include all integers, both positive and negative. With that, the subtraction operation became the mirror image of summation, and so the "theory of everything" was established as the summation operation.

However, soon after this discovery, the scientist numbers were busy with another operation called "division". Their motto was "infinite is nested in the finite". They were experimenting with dividing the numbers with each other. With that procedure, they obtained finer and finer numbers located between any given two integers. Although not everything in real life was divisible, still, the division operation on the integers led to a new realm of numbers, called rational numbers.

Their acceptance to the numbers kingdom was not as painful as the emergence of -1. They were rational because you could part something into however many units, and their size would be expressed by the ratio of two integers.

As a mirror image of this operation was established the multiplication. Multiplication was a shortcut for summation, but it led to a devastating question in the minds of the scientist numbers. It was common practice to multiply any two integers to obtain another one. But, instead of going from the ingredients to the result, if you do the opposite, what happens? For example, instead of multiplying 2 by 1 to obtain 2, what happens if you ask "what is the number which gives 2 when multiplied by itself?". Although they did not know the answer, they named it: root of 2.

Scientist numbers worked for long decades to figure out the answer. They were even able to visually see it on the hypotenuse when they plotted a right triangle with perpendicular edges of length 1. But when it came to writing the number itself, there was no avail. No two integers or no ratio of integers, i.e. rational numbers, fit the bill. They were able to approximate a number, but they could not really pinpoint it. The more they continued the approximation process, the more decimal digits they produced for the root of 2. Thus the throne of summation as the theory of everything was shaken.

One day, one of them suggested that such irrational behavior was present with many more numbers. In fact there were infinitely many of them. During the same time frame, they also figured out that the most prominent number Saint pi, i.e. the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, was also behaving the same way. Later on, they were shocked by the finding that the number used for approximating the area under the 1/x curve, known as Saint e, was also extending two infinity in the decimals.

Thus, the numbers kingdom came up with the idea of irrational numbers, i.e. numbers that cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers. With this expansion, summation was again crowned as "the theory of everything", since subtraction was a mirror image of it, multiplication was a fast version of it, and division was the mirror image of multiplication, hence another form of summation.

Unfortunately, the years of happiness did not last long among the scientist numbers. When the scientist numbers extended the root operation to negative numbers, again summation found itself at the verge of losing its crown. They could not come up with a single number known to them that would give negative numbers when multiplied by itself.

Eventually the numbers realized that this was a new kind of number, just like negative integers and the irrational numbers once were. They did not know what it was, but they predicted its existence. All this happened before the birth of -1's grandson. When the birth of that number took place, the honor of naming it was given to none other than -1.

-1 was a scientist himself. He knew that although he was the grandfather of this new number, the young one was the expected number to resolve all the troubles of the numbers kingdom, including the mesmerizing theory of everything. Drawing on the wisdom of ages, -1 named this newborn as i. A name consisting of a line and a dot, that is 1 and 0, that is everything and nothing, juxtaposed in the essence of a single being. By virtue of this dichotomy, all numbers discovered before i were combined under the umbrella "real", and those associated with i under "imaginary", since the latter were only perceived by imagination.

Right from its birth, i was surrounded by Saint pi, Saint e and of course his grandfather -1. i grew as a number of God. Although mortal like all others, i did not fear being multiplied by 0, because i knew by heart that 0 was nothing other than union with all existence. This idea was revolutionary, and as with everything revolutionary, it was unacceptable at first. But that didn't matter, because pi, e and -1 were not only caregivers of i but also loyal comrades. If something was unacceptable to masses but reasonable at the same time, it had to be proven once and for all.

As the efforts for an all-comprising wisdom was taking air, another one was settling on the operational grounds. With the introduction of i as the root of -1, all numbers were explained and linked through a single operation, i.e. summation. So, once again, summation took the throne as the theory of everything, not to be ever shaken again. But, that throne needed to be expanded to account for the wisdom of all times.

The long awaited revelation came around when numbers were considered not as one-dimensional but two dimensional entities. That is, instead of being just real or just imaginary, what if they carried both components? What if numbers could be transformed through these components so that a given number could become positive, negative, or imaginary, or a combination of them?

This idea of continuous transformation led to the usual suspects that were at the foundation of trigonometry; namely sines and cosines. Sine of an angle was equal to the cosine of another angle, and these functions displayed an elegant dance over a circle of unit radius.

At the time, it was already known that these functions embodied in a triangle were indestructible by the flames of derivatives, so they represented the concept of change in the most concise form. But what if sine and cosine were to be summed up with their mirror image? They would certainly taste death in the infinite depths of 0. But that was exactly what was argued by i. 0 was a continuous journey, not an end.

This notion of eternity sparked the union of Saint pi, Saint e, i, grandfather -1, cosine and sine. Together, they established a laboratory where they could fire the greatest derivatives, spin the fastest transformations and perform the finest divisions. They named this facility as The Complex Lab.

It was here that they discovered an identity they did not expect. Grandfather -1 was actually the embodiment of three numbers at the same time: e, pi, i. This fact was most unexpected as they were focused on figuring out the mysteries surrounding i. Yet, they were once again returned to -1, as had happened in the history. This time, only, not as an unacceptable suggestion but as an unimaginable fact! How was it possible that three completely different numbers were present in the body of a single number? As difficult to imagine as it was, these seekers of truth soon realized that the same fact underlies every number, that they could be expressed by the manipulation of a formula through the theory of everything.

Just then, an unfortunate event happened, which turned out to be the most fortunate thing possible; call it a serendipity. Saint pi fell sick, and could not attend the meetings and studies of the Complex Lab. So, the other comrades used other numbers instead of pi. This temporary change led to an amazing realization that honored the sine and cosine functions. They saw that the deeper truth behind the co-presence of three numbers in -1 was actually a general notion of continuous change.

This was exactly what i had been arguing all along. 0 was an endless journey, not an end; it was a union with all numbers, not a death.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Before the Big Bang

Once upon a time, according to this legend, God created the spirits of the humans first, before creating the universe. Then, He showed them each excerpts from their lives, like the trailer of a movie. After watching, humans opposed what was going to happen, and said "Oh God! Why are You creating us different? Some of us are rich, some of us are poor. We want equality, we want justice." Then, God accepted their appeal, and reorganized the creation so that every human had equal wealth at birth.

With this change, of course the life stories changed, and God showed humans again excerpts from their life stories, like the trailer of a movie. Strangely, although the humans had started their lives with equal wealth, not only their wealth but also other conditions differed as they lived through their lives. Upon thinking, humans figured that this must have been due to different talents and skills each had. With that finding, they opposed again what was going to happen, and said "Oh God! Why are You creating us different? Some of us are more talented than others. We want equality, we want justice." Then, God accepted their appeal, and reorganized the creation so that every human had not only equal wealth at birth but also equal talents and skills.

With this change, of course the life stories changed, and God showed humans again excerpts from their life stories, like the trailer of a movie. Strangely, although the humans had started their lives with equal wealth and with equal talents and skills, their wealth and other conditions differed as they lived through their lives. Upon thinking, humans figured that this must have been due to different geographic conditions both on and under ground. With that finding, they opposed again what was going to happen, and said "Oh God! Why are You creating us different? Some of us are born into better natural resources than others. We want equality, we want justice." Then, God accepted their appeal, and reorganized the creation so that every human had not only equal wealth and equal talents and skills but also were born into identical geographical conditions.

With this change, of course the life stories changed, and God showed humans again excerpts from their life stories, like the trailer of a movie. The earth had become a perfect sphere, with uniform properties everywhere. Strangely, although humans lived through identical stories with their identical wealth and talents and geographic conditions, each had a different emotional satisfaction from their experiences. Upon thinking, humans figured that this must have been due to different characters they had. With that finding, they opposed again what was going to happen, and said "Oh God! Why are You creating us different? Some of us are happier than others. We want equality, we want justice." Then God accepted their appeal, and reorganized the creation so that every human had not only equal wealth and equal talents and equal natural resources but also identical emotional state.

With this change, of course the life stories changed, and God showed humans again excerpts from their life stories, like the trailer of a movie. Humans could not understand anything from what they saw, because there was no change at all in anything. Since they all had the same mood, they unanimously shouted "we are bored. Oh God, did You create us so that we get depressed? We want change."

And came the big bang!