Saturday, December 3, 2016

Little Thinker (6)

It is told that a woman who left a cat locked in a house in hunger and thirst, and so caused its death, entered the way of hell. I wonder if she would still do what she did, had she seen the end of that road with the futuroscope.

I remembered this historical event while watching the cats on my way home from the bookseller. With the help of today's technologies, there are more opportunities to do good compared to the past. But the same is true for evil. An evil act that demanded many people and much time in the past can be done by a single person today. Among such acts, I thought, one of the worst should be killing people's spirits. Why?

First, if abandoning a cat to die in hunger can finish you, doing the same for a human must be more serious. Then, what about killing their spirit so that they become walking graves? Putting out their hopes and deactivating that crown of contemplation that is granted by the Creator? Confining their minds into their skulls to rot away? Is it fathomable that the All-Wise Creator would stay indifferent to all these?

Is it possible that The Quran, which is going to complain in sorrow on the judgment day by saying "they treated me as something to be abandoned", stays silent about its grief before that day? Wouldn't the Supreme Will, that answered the prayer of the man of thought who called people to think for years, devastate the heavens and the earth because not-thinking has become the tradition? What is the price of killing the thought for thousand years and living it only for one hour, when that one hour is worth a thousand years' worship?

This train of thought was due to what I had seen with my futuroscope the night before. I couldn't erase those images from my mind. I couldn't turn away my attention, either, by thinking "just a possible future scenario; will dissolve in the waves of time". Every time, a hammer danged on my forehead, "what if it comes true?". Maybe that book of mine that had appeared in the futuroscope and then disappeared would do so in this way. Maybe it would never come real, maybe it would come real but not reach a single mind! Maybe those sleeping people I had seen after I got out of that book with the shuttle were heralds of a future like this. I had missed the numerous signs of a calamity that was approaching slowly but surely. Maybe I was thinking nonsense. But there was no indication around to tell me that I was thinking nonsense.

I went home. I thought about what would make an ideal last deed. At least, I could do a nice ending while closing my eyes to this short life as a fresh adolescent. I called my friends and invited them for a futuroscope party in the middle of the night. I wanted that we would sail to infinity through lesson storms in our brains...

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