Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Generous Phone Owner

Once upon a time, there was a rich and genereous phone owner. This person had hundreds of smart phones of varying levels of technology and price. Some phones were affordable even by the lower middle class, whereas some were only reserved for the rich elite. One day, the generous phone owner decided to give these phones in trust to the friends and see their reaction in the long term.

When giving the phones to the friends, the owner said: "take these phones; you can use them as you wish; just make your phone line payments and do the phones' maintenances if necessary; I am going to take them from you later."

This offer by the generous phone owner made the friends very happy at first. Some received just one phone, some a few, and others tens of phones. They expressed gratitude to the owner for the offer and for the trust. As the days and weeks passed by, however, not only their use of these phones but also their attitude toward the phones' real owner changed dramatically.

At first, everybody was happy and enjoying what they had in their hands. But later on, those who were given more phones started to make financial gains using those phones, like crypto currencies and rental services, etc. This made the ones with less number of phones jealous of them. Soon, unable to change anything, their jealousy turned into a grudge against the generous phone owner who had done this. Had those phones never been given in the first place, such injustice would not have happened.

Aware of what was going on, some good willed fellows with more number of phones gave some of what they had to those with less. Unfortunately, these were not many, and most of the multiple-phone owners went on with their business without a regard for others. So, the rich was constantly getting richer, but those with a single or a few phones stayed as they were.

This state of the people was even reflected on their attitudes towards each other. Many of the rich ones sat in their homes located in large estates, and spoke proudly of their wealth that was gained due to their wise investments. Many poor ones, however, kept complaining about the generous phone owner, saying "what have I done to you to deserve this."

A few among them all, be them rich or poor, realized that all this was essentially a grant that was given without asking for a return. So, instead of fostering jealousy towards each other or a grudge against the generous phone owner, they kept their initial gratitude fresh and used their phones in the best way they can.

One day, when everybody was engulfed in their business and not thinking about the day of collection of the phones, the real owner appeared at their doors one by one. Some took on very disrespectful attitudes towards the owner, saying "I have been taking care of these phones, while you have done nothing; you don't deserve to claim them back." Some others silently and sadly returned the phones. Especially for those less fortunate in the beginning, this day seemed very satisfying, because it meant getting even with everybody else. 

A minority, though, seemed very happy to see the real owner and expressed sincere gratitude for the trust and grant given to them, no matter how much it was. They told what they had done with those phones and what profits and good willed actions they did. 

The real owner collected all of the phones and listened to all of the friends and observed their attitudes. Later on, as an expression of magnanimity, the owner gave cutting-edge technology smart devices to those that acted as generously and benevolently. Those who embraced arrogant or ungrateful attitudes, however, had to face the consequences of their bad demeanor. The generous phone owner did not pay much attention to them anymore, leaving them out of the circle of friends.