Saturday, September 1, 2018

Parable of the Puzzle

Once upon a time, there was a family that loved making puzzles. They would cherish each and every scenery they would form piece by piece. Framed in elegant, wooden bars, their history of puzzles would embellish the walls of their home.

One day while the youngest of the family was working on a puzzle in an early hour of the day, she couldn't locate any piece no matter how long and how hard she tried. Everybody else was asleep, and she couldn't get any help, either. The more she focused the more frustrated she became. At last, she had enough of it, and swiped everything off the table with the push of her forearm. Two thousand pieces flew in the air for a moment. The little girl did not realize, but she had also thrown a furious scream at the same time. It was a matter of seconds that the family had flocked into the room. Her father was first to react: "I can't believe my eyes; you did a marvelous job!".

The little girl was waiting for being scolded, her hands covering her eyes and face. With her father's appreciation, she opened a small gap between her fingers and looked at what was out there. Behold, the puzzle was on all done on the floor! "Miraculous!" she exclaimed. 

"So, tell us how you managed to do this over night all by yourself", her jealous brother asked. "I didn't do it. I just threw everything on the floor, and it was done." With incredulous eyes, he was staring at her. She looked at her mom. She was only smiling, but actually a laughter was ready to break out of her. Then, the little girl looked at her dad. He was just nodding, but not looking at her at all. He was admiring the great scenery that was born from this coincidence.

Few weeks later, the family bought another puzzle of 2000 pieces. As usual, they first separated and connected the edges of the picture, and then separated the pieces into trays according to their colors. But the night was too short to finish the entire puzzle. There was a whole weekend ahead of them. So, they went to sleep. Encouraged by her success the previous time, the little girl wanted to make another surprise to the family. She woke up at an early hour, and started working on the puzzle. First piece, second piece, third piece... That was it. No matter how hard she tried, how long she worked, she couldn't locate another piece.

As her father used to do, she got up, went to the kitchen, drank a cup of milk, and returned to her work. Maybe this distraction would give her eyes some rest, and she could achieve some progress. Well, no... The more she looked at the puzzle the bigger her anger grew. Her eyes shifted towards the small table holding the puzzle pieces. It wasn't so big. It was actually small enough. Small enough to be thrown over.

It was a moment, and the table was upside down. All puzzle pieces were spilled on the floor like lava form a volcano. But this time, the lava was solidified in the form of an art work. To her amazement, the puzzle pieces had fallen exactly into their places. But there was no one to see it, because she was experienced from the previous time, and she had kept silent.

It took another hour for the eyes of other people to be honored by the view of this exquisite achievement. Yes, the little girl had done it again. "Wow, how did you do it?" her jealous brother asked. "I didn't do it. I just threw them on the floor, and there it was." Her mother was smiling, a little concerned about the mental health of her daughter but at the same time unable to explain the situation. And the father, as the first time, was beholding the grandeur of the image revealed from this accident.

The mother of the family was concerned not only about her daughter but also about her husband. The same odd event had repeated twice with intimidating outcomes for the rational mind, yet her husband was sufficing with watching the pictures. One day, she brought the topic during the supper with the whole family. She wanted an explanation about the father's lack of concern and nonchalance.

Actually, the father was waiting for this moment to come. He said that there was no magic or nothing miraculous about what had happened, since there were infinitely many parallel universes, and in those universes, the same event was happening with negative outcomes, but they were experiencing the "lucky" universe where everything just happened no matter how incredible they may seem.

"Do you really believe in this?"
"I don't believe. This is what it is indeed!"
"You mean this is the reality."
"Well, no real proof as of now, but that is the only rational explanation."
"Is this what you call rational? This is pure belief."
"Look, I don't want to have this discussion in front of the children."
"Don't worry, you are not. Of course, in another lucky universe."