Thursday, July 21, 2016

Hungry and Trustworthy

Once upon a time, there was a white wolf. Some called it The Invisible, because spotting it in a snowy background was not easy. Some called it The Ghost, because it appeared out of nowhere and everywhere. The fearsome opinion about this wolf was that it did not hang with others much and whenever it did, it devoured an animal, no matter how strong or how big. Although these appearances happened very rarely, their unforgettable memories made a permanent image of The Invisible.

Things were quite different from the perspective of The Invisible, though. It only came out whenever it was hungry, as did every other animal. It fed itself and went along its way. Again, as any other animal. Thus, the scary image about itself was unfair, according to the wolf. But of course, no one would dare to come near it, let alone listening. Nevertheless, The Invisible was comfortable with being a lone wolf, so it did not bother itself about socializing with others.

One of those occasions of hunt, destiny had a surprize for this lone wolf. It was a snowy day. Silence covered every where so that the faint hush as the snow flakes landed on dry leaves could be heard. There was no animal to be seen. And these two, silence and abandoned places meant that The Ghost could be anywhere and every where.

The thin smoke from the chimney of a distant house was barely visible and there was something that made tiny moves. The sounds that came from it were very unusual for an animal. But that didn't matter for The Invisible. Whatever it was, it was seeing the daylight for the last time.

As the wolf approached the thing, the pinkish color on its skin watered its mouth. It was going to be a delight on this snowy day to chase a fresh flesh. Unaware of what's happening around, the pinkish creature went on with its tiny moves and unusual sounds. As the snowflakes landed on its warm skin, they melt one by one. Then, the little creature realized a shadow looking right down on its face. Snowflakes were not anymore landing, but rather drops of saliva were stretching along the cloth covering it. The hush of the snow had left its place to the humming of The Ghost. The baby threw its hand towards this big thing as a thank you for providing shelter on this cold day. The feeble slap from the baby astonished the wolf, as it was not expecting such a welcoming attitude.

But the wolf was awaken to its senses quickly by its hunger. To recover appetite, the wolf walked around a few times and came back. And a smack on the neck welcomed it. A few seconds later, The Ghost realized that the smack was actually not a smack, because those tiny fingers were still holding onto its fur. The baby was trying to hug the wolf!

Stupefied by the baby's total submission, the Ghost took another turn around, to no avail. The weight of the responsibility sank in its heart. It had to do something for this baby. Maybe return it to the humans? But, that was a crazy idea, since the humans would shoot it at first sight. Was this baby worth taking that risk? Or should the wolf provide warmth  for the baby in its stomach? The wolf couldn't make a decision, and kept walking, thinking and grumping, and again walking. It ended up howling, which was in fact a scream of confusion.

As these were happening, the birds and the bugs had already started live broadcasting every single detail to the rest of the forest: "The Invisible is revealed", "The Ghost was misunderstood". The animals couldn't believe what was happening. The human baby should have been torn to little chunks in The Ghost's mouth, already. What was wrong? Or what was correct?

The wolf didn't know the answer to that question, either, but the scene was misfit to its intimidating reputation. So, it had to do something quick. The baby was wrapped into layers of cloth, and The Ghost started pulling the baby by biting a piece of cloth hanging down. It was trying to do this as fast as possible, because as the moments passed, its hunger pressed stronger.

In a few minutes, The Ghost and the baby were very close to the human habitation. It would take another minute or so to accomplish the task. The wolf thought that it could take that much hunger, but the baby was too cold, and her skin was turning from pink to dull white, and the baby had finally fallen asleep. This was not good. What to do? What to do? The wolf decided to wake up the baby by licking her face. But this turned out to be a fatal error. Instead of the baby waking up, the wolf's hunger had woken up with the taste of the human skin.

To avoid any mishaps, the wolf started running away from the baby while howling. And that! That turned out to be the second fatal error. A human hunter who happened to be around saw the wolf. It was a moment before the wolf fell dead. As the hunter ran towards the wolf, he saw something else on the snow. A baby!

"Wow! Am I a hero or what?" the hunter thought.