Monday, May 30, 2016

Saint Lithium

In the beginning, there was light. The light was beautiful. So, God created three witnesses to its beauty: Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium. These witnesses were actually representatives of everything else to come after. These three were also burdened with the responsibility of telling what they saw in the beginning. It was so, because it was written in the book that some of the later creation would deny their beginning.

When the time of denial came to pass, the first one to confront it was Hydrogen. In order to reach others and establish contact with them, Hydrogen chose the way of selflessness. If one was in need of an electron, Hydrogen gave away its only electron. And he pointed out that the happiness that came upon his generosity was a sign to the beauty of the light in the beginning. If, on the contrary, one was burdened by electrons, Hydrogen happily accepted to carry that electron on behalf of them. And he again pointed out that the relief that came upon his sacrifice was a sign to the beauty of the light in the beginning.

Not everybody listened to Hydrogen. And those who listened to him passed away, and their offspring did not heed the mere narration from their elders. The new creation needed a new call.

Then, came the time of Helium. Helium was a nun. She never used perfumes or colorful dresses, and she did not establish intimacy with anyone. She was a recluse by creation. What made her interesting for others was that when she spoke, others heard her, but they could not comprehend how she spoke. She had two different ways of communicating like this. When she did, even if she was not to be seen around, others heard her, and they looked at each other with wide open eyes and bewildered gazes. Her speech made itself known as a warmth inside, like a thermal spring in the bodies of the others. Using this property of hers, Helium tried to tell the new creation what the first light looked like, and what it felt like to see it.

But the time of Helium did not last long, as the new creation started to communicate with each other with a frequency that continuously increased. So, her mesmerizing addresses did not influence the new creation. The new creation needed a new call.

Then, came the time of Lithium. Saint Lithium. He carried the properties of his elders, but with some nuances. Like Hydrogen, he was a person among others. He was willing to give away his electron to those in need. He was an emblem of honesty, as he conducted perfectly whatever he knew. And Lithium was very much a family person, an embodiment for love and affection.

But at the same time, Lithium was different, like Helium. He could work miracles, such as walking on water. Lithium also healed the possessed. Those who were considered crazy found healing in the hands of Lithium, and came to life anew. And when Lithium did these, he was not influenced by the admiration of others, and would not go arrogant. Instead, he would share his testimony to the light in the very beginning. If, afterwards, others were not interested in the message he shared, Lithium was not frustrated by their nonchalance. For his miraculous acts and for his adherence to high level of modesty, he was called Saint Lithium. 

Like every other saint, Lithium had some adversaries, too. Not every body enjoyed having a person who kept telling the stories of the light in the beginning. The idea of mass-less energy seeded a notion of freedom in the minds. And unity of creation in the beginning fostered the notion of peace in the hearts. Both of these, i.e. freedom and peace, were not wanted by those who wanted to govern the universe. 

So, they plotted to murder Lithium. The murder was to be committed in bare daylight in front of the eyes, so as to act as a dismay for future "saviors". As the tool for the act, they chose to shoot a proton to Lithium.

And they did, as Lithium was surrounded by those whom he had healed a few moments ago. It took a while for everyone to wake up from the astonishment of the boom. When they did, they realized that it was an attack towards Lithium. But where was he? At first, they were shocked by the sound, now they were shocked by the missing corpse of their Saint Lithium. Where was he? They could not even weep over the dead body of their healer. Where was Lithium?

Suddenly, everybody felt that warmth that they used to feel upon the talk of Helium. But Helium was long gone!

"No!" said the invisible voice. Indeed, it was the voice of Lithium. "I came back from the dead. From now on, I am Helium"

So, even the death of Saint Lithium served to fortify the message he had worked to spread: "I testify that there is only one Light."